Flowing Fascia Therapeutics
Movement & Soft Tissue Therapy

Lara Weithorn, CMT

Breathwork & Alignment
Neuromuscular Re-education
Yoga Tune Up®
Anatomy in Motion
Myofasical Release, JFB-MFR
Craniosacral, BCST
Visceral Manipulation
Lymphatic Mojo
Foot, Gait, & Tri-Planar Corrective Movements
Feel Better • Move Better • Live Better

Covid & other contagious illness
NOTE: The below is fundamentally the same for all colds, flus, viruses, and contagious bacterial infections.
If you are sick, or have been in close contact with someone who is sick, please take necessary precautions, and wear a mask to your appointment, or reschedule when appropriate. We work to keep all our clients safe and healthy in our offices.
Close-contact sessions are not without a certain risk to all colds/flus/viruses, but the safety of all my clients is my top priority. I am committed to providing an environment and sessions that meet the highest sanitation and hygiene standards. We implement procedures at both locations to make the environment and your session as safe as possible. To get the most from your sessions, I ask that clients be aware of the following standards and requests to help ensure your safety, the safety of other clients, as well as other therapists that share the spaces.
Meeting or exceeding all state, local and regulatory guidelines relating to sanitation and hygiene.
Cleaning and sanitizing between sessions.
Providing continuous HEPA air filters.
As always, providing clean linens for each session.
Washing or sanitizing my hands for a minimum of 20 seconds at the start and end of a session.
Following Covid-19 sanitation and hygiene standards, including face masks and eye protection when appropriate, or if requested.

Reschedule your appt immediately, if you or a household member experience any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19; or any other contagious illness.
Wash or sanitize your hands prior to beginning of your session, and wash or using hand sanitizer as needed.
Share special sanitation or hygiene concerns or requests prior to arriving at the clinic.
Wear face coverings in the treatment room if it is mandated for Healthcare, or we are requesting it.
Inform me immediately if you develop Covid-19 symptoms after your appointment, so that I an able to take necessary precautions.
UPDATE me if you ever have Long-Covid. Some long-term symptoms of Covid (incl. vascular, stroke, skin issues, etc) carry precautions for certain bodywork techniques.