Flowing Fascia Therapeutics
Movement & Soft Tissue Therapy

Lara Weithorn, CMT

Breathwork & Alignment
Neuromuscular Re-education
Yoga Tune Up®
Anatomy in Motion
Myofasical Release, JFB-MFR
Craniosacral, BCST
Visceral Manipulation
Lymphatic Mojo
Foot, Gait, & Tri-Planar Corrective Movements
Feel Better • Move Better • Live Better

private sessions
& small classes
Private Sessions
Help release symptoms of stress – tight muscles, pain, anxiety, allergies/sinus/respiratory discomfort – via:
~ in-depth, online assessment
~ followed by guided, customized instructions for
ball-rolling, breathwork, lymphatic drainage,
and movement, stretching, or postural suggestions.
Any "homework" can be recorded for your future access. Sessions conducted on Zoom, but other apps are possible.
Small Classes
(with your family onsite, or others, via Zoom)
• Ball Rolling/Moving/Stretching – Using Yoga Tune Up/Roll Model balls (preferred) or tennis balls, we roll out tight spots, and massage our tissues and minds into deep relaxation. Most moves can be done on the floor and/or at the wall.
• Breathwork – Learn HOW to breath better by accessing your
Diaphragm and lower ribs muscles. This wakes up the Parasympathetic (Rest & Digest) part of your nervous system – not only instilling a deep calm, but also strengthening your upper respiratory muscles for a healthier breath. No tools needed.
• Lymphatic Mojo – Learn how to flush cellular waste (toxins) and get your lymphatic system moving better. This helps improve symptoms of allergies, sinus and congestions, decreases edema, and strengthens your immune system. Learn techniques that you and your whole family can use. Only hands are needed, but a couple cheap tools (suggested below) for variations.

Recommended tools & Set-up
(contact me with any questions and we can come up with options if needed) –
• Foot/Gait, and other movement therapy – AiM Wedges (see makeshift options below to use in a pinch)
• Ball Rolling/Moving/Stretching – Two balls (1 pair) of Yoga Tune Up/Roll Model – they are malleable yet lightly grip your skin, but Two Tennis Balls in a sock/stocking/net bag will work. (See link below)
Yoga mat is ideal, but firm carpet or hard floor in a pinch.
Extras – 2 yoga blocks/ or shoe/shipping boxes, yoga strap/long belts/thick rope/long scarf (at least ~ 6ft), bolster/rolled up blanket/thick towel (or 2), and maybe a couple couch pillows.
• Breathwork – a comfortable place to lay face up and face down. Coregeous/Spri Ball (9" inflatable) works best, but a small couch/bed cushion or balled-up towel can work for most moves.
• Lymphatic Mojo – Only hands are required, but I also like to use a plastic body-scrub in the shower; a silicone brush; or a large tooth brush (your old one will do).

for Movement Therapy:
AiM Wedges for feet - $10

Makeshift Options
Yoga Wedge - A bit squishier than AiM Wedges but work - can be cut to needed sizes ~$15 on Amazon

Folded Napkin or washcloth in a pinch

TOOLS & PROPS Needed for Tissue, Breath & Lym:
For Ball Rolling
YTU Balls • Mat/Blocks/Strap • Bolster/pillows/blanket

Recommended for Breathwork –
YTU Coregeous or other
9-inch, grippy, air-filled ball

Suggested additional Lymphatic Tools
Bath Sponge • Silicon Dish brush • Toothbrush

Makeshift Options

DYI Yoga Blocks Here

Tennis balls in Net Bag Amazon Fresh is currently using for packaging squash :)